Wednesday 13 June 2012

Percolator Gallery, Whispers Between People Exhibition 
by Tessa Dorman

It was a wonderful way to showcase new work, and i think the reception has been very positive.
One person to note in particular was Sophie Munns, an amazing, and well established artist, who has been a fountain of inspiration to me.

The show explored the physical and non-physical connections to self, others and community through various mediums of expression.  The paper cuts, which were the main focus of the show were very welcomed by the community which pleased me immensely.  Unfortunately they are very difficult to photographs so hopefully you get the gist of things by the following images.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tessa,
    how wonderful to find you posting frequently over here now that you have gotten going! Loved your show and yes.. shame its difficult to capture the paper cuts ... I'm asking myself why I didn't get my camera out and try?
    Good luck with plans a,b,& c that we talked about...
    best to you,
    ps thanks very very sweet words!
